There are still a few weeks (or months, depending on your part of the country) left in winter, so plenty more snowy walks with your pooch to enjoy. Ensure you clear his snow covered feet off after every walk. It may seem harmless to let him chew the snowballs off his paws, but many residents […]
#4. Don’t expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss is a slow process. Depending on the size of your dog a pound or so a week is a great goal. Pat yourself on the back and your best friend on the head if you guys can acheive this and remember that with every pound, it is […]
#3. EXERCISE! The amount of exercise a dog requires varies by breed; however, ALL dogs need exercise, DAILY! So, it’s time to get outside and get some daily exercise yourself. If you don’t regularly exercise your dog, you will need to start slow. Just as you wouldn’t expect it from a human, you cannot expect […]
#2. Large pet food manufacturers are in the business to SELL you dog food. In general, feeding guidelines on the packages suggest overfeeding to do just that… SELL YOU MORE FOOD! Try feeding your dog approximately 75% of what they suggest. If your dog seems to be begging for more try offering a few fresh […]
To help you keep your pets’ weight loss resolutions, I will be posting tips all week! Visit daily to help your dog acheive an ideal weight and healthier life! #1. Give up the grain based snacks and treats! Try a ready made, low calorie alternative; better yet, try veggies. My dogs love carrot sticks, snap […]